Set of 6 Color Coins Marine Life Protection – Lot von 6 Farbmünzen Malta, Somali, Liberia, Maldives & Namibia
- 1999, MALTA, 100 Liras, Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
Sovrano Ospedaliero Ordine di Malta, Malta 2000, 100 Lr – Lippfische, Labridae, Wrasse - 1999, Somali, 10$, Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
Somali Republic Killifische - 2000, MALTA, 100 Liras, Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
Sovrano Ospedaliero Ordine di Malta, Malta 2000, 100 Lr – Trompetenfische, Seepferdchen und Barsch, Trumpet fish, seahorses and grouper - 1997, 1 Dollar Liberia Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
Republic of Liberia, 1 Dollar, Doktorfische, Surgeonfish - 1998, MALDIVES, 5 Rufiyaa Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
International Year fo the Reef, 5 Rf - 1998, NAMIBIA, 1 Dollar, Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
Republic of Namibia Buckelwal, Humpback Whale
Originalfotos der Münzen in der Plastikbox
Photos taken from the coins in the plastic box (capsule)
Color coins Collectibles “Marine Life Protection” , 6 pieces of Colorcoins
Farbmünzen Sammlermünzen “Schutz der Meeresfauna” 6 Stück Münzen