Marine Life Protection Münzen Set of 6 Coins #052


Only 1 left in stock


Set of 6 Color Coins Marine Life Protection – Lot von 6 Farbmünzen Malta, Somali, Liberia, Maldives & Namibia

  1. 1999, MALTA, 100 Liras, Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
    Sovrano Ospedaliero Ordine di Malta, Malta 2000, 100 Lr – Lippfische, Labridae, Wrasse
  2. 1999, Somali, 10$, Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
    Somali Republic Killifische
  3. 2000, MALTA, 100 Liras, Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
    Sovrano Ospedaliero Ordine di Malta, Malta 2000, 100 Lr – Trompetenfische, Seepferdchen und Barsch, Trumpet fish, seahorses and grouper
  4. 1997, 1 Dollar Liberia Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
    Republic of Liberia, 1 Dollar, Doktorfische, Surgeonfish
  5. 1998, MALDIVES, 5 Rufiyaa  Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
    International Year fo the Reef, 5 Rf
  6. 1998, NAMIBIA, 1 Dollar, Marine Life Protection Color Coin Farbmünze
    Republic of Namibia Buckelwal, Humpback Whale

Originalfotos der Münzen in der Plastikbox
Photos taken from the coins in the plastic box (capsule)

Set of 6 Color Coins Marine Life Protection - Lot von 6 Farbmünzen Malta, Somali, Liberia, Maldives & Namibia

Color coins Collectibles “Marine Life Protection” , 6 pieces of Colorcoins
Farbmünzen Sammlermünzen “Schutz der Meeresfauna” 6 Stück Münzen